Program for small and medium-sized businesses
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More informationProgram for small and medium-sized businesses
More informationDiscover our new exclusive App for Travel Agents
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Our currency converter offers the possibility of obtaining an approximate value in your local currency based on a daily exchange rate that may be subject to change without prior notice. All our bookings are confirmed in United States Dollars (USD), and depending on the selected country of residence, the option to make prepayment with a credit card in the local currency will be available.
Select a rental company to view available protections and coverage.
ESP is only available for non-residents of the United States.
Provides certain medical benefits for some illnesses that occur during the rental period (up to a maximum of 30 consecutive days). It provides coverage for the primary renter and all accompanying passengers. In the event of a claim by a person other than the primary renter, they must provide written proof (a travel itinerary prepared by a travel agency) to document and determine that the person was a member of the travel group.
ESP provides a maximum coverage of USD 10,000.00* (USD 15,000.00* in Kansas, Missouri, and Washington) for expenses for medical services including:
(*) A deductible of USD 100.00 applies to each medical expense offered.
For more information, speak to one of our online operators.