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The minimum age is 25, renters 23-24 will be charged an underage fee of USD 35.00 per day.
The maximum age is 70 years, renters 71, plus will be charged a rental fee of USD 35.00 per day.
A minimum credit card hold will apply depending on the car type rented and length of the rental,
Budget accepts:
✓American Express
✓Diners Club
Car Group | Minimum Credit Card Hold in USD |
A, B, C, O | 500.00 |
E, H | 600.00 |
D, F, I, K, L, M, N | 800.00 |
G, J | 1,000.00 |
Cash Rentals are not accepted. A major credit card in the name of the primary driver must be presented at the time of rental.
A valid driver’s license from country of residence and a passport must be presented at time of rental. A local Driving Permit is available for USD 5.00 per day. An International Drivers permit is required for countries using a non-Roman alphabet.
Purchase of CDW is optional. Purchase relieves the customer’s financial responsibility to the vehicle to a non-waivable excess of zero in case of collision and 20% of total cost of the vehicle in case of theft. If CDW is declined, the renter would be responsible for up to the full value of the vehicle.
Auto Express Toll is available for USD 1.50 per day, maximum charge USD 45.00 . A fee may apply for loss or stolen unit. Check at the counter.
Cars can be returned to other locations within the country based on car availability.
A one way fee may apply.
One-way rentals are not allowed outside the country.