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The minimum age is 21
There is no maximum age.
The minimum age for international renters from Europe, Asia, Middle East and Africa is 25 years of age.
Avis accepts:
✓American Express
Please note that the credit card must have the renter's name and numbers embossed on it.
Physical credit cards that are not close to their expiration date must be presented; otherwise, delivery of the vehicle may be refused.
All drivers must meet the same minimum age and driver’s license requirements as the renter.
The additional driver fee is USD 10.00 per day per each additional driver (maximum of 10 days, after three drivers the rest have no fee).
At the time of rental we will request an authorization on your charge card for the estimated rental charges, plus 20% if CDW is accepted.
If CDW is declined, an additional fee of USD 1,500 will apply.
Purchase of ALI relieves the customer of the non-waivable excess that is not covered by the Motor Liability Insurance.
Other coverages may be available.
Check at the counter upon arrival for availability and additional details.
Purchase of CDW is optional.
CDW relieves the renter’s financial responsibility (NWE) in case of damage to the vehicle from accidents. Theft Protection (TP) is included.
Note: The minimum age for international renters from Europe, Asia, Middle East and Africa is 25 years of age.
Third party liability (property and pedestrian) coverage is included in the rates with a non-waivable excess of USD 5,000.00.
The customer may be fully waived of responsibility for damages caused to third party by purchasing Liability Deductible Coverage/Additional Liability Coverage ALI.
Cars cannot be picked up at the airport due to government regulations. Station GCM is within 2 minutes walking distance of the arrival area.
The airport is approximately 1 mile east of the city.
Depending on the distance a Delivery or Collection fee would be between USD 75.00 and USD 135.00
An advance reservation is recommended.
Is available for a cost of USD 7.99 per day.